Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Carte de Fruit de la France

I don't have anything to add to this (which, like so many wonderful things I post, I found over at the Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog), but that doesn't make it any less cool:


In case you're wondering, no, I do not know French. So the title above was entirely made up. And yet Babelfish tells me it's correct! I feel all cool and polyglot today. I also translated several things at work into Spanish (a language I at least sort of know) with only a few minor errors.

Update: I just had a reader mention that he's trying to track down a copy of the map, so probably I should provide some sort of a link beyond a vague indication of what website I found it in. I found it here, and they found it here, and apparently they found it here, which I can't read on account of the aforementioned not knowing French issue, but it looks pretty cool.