Friday, August 21, 2009

Food Forward

Sarah Spitz, from KCRW, sent along a link to Food Forward, an organization which harvests fruit trees in back yards and other locations and donates it to local food pantries. This is a great idea...many people (hopefully myself included, now that I finally own a decent chunk of land) tend to have way more fruit on their trees than they or their family will ever eat. Really, if you have more than a few good sized trees and don't have a huge family or a love of canning or fermenting, a lot of fruit is going to go to waste unless you give it away. A nice cause, and a good way to share all the unusual cultivars you've collected with the world. (From the looks of it this is a Southern California organization, but I'm not 100% sure. It's still a nice idea to donate your extra fruit to a food pantry, even if there's no Fruit Forward in your area...)